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The Bervinchak work here is organized by the individual or institution that owns the collection.
Nicholas Bervinchak oil painting portrait by Paul Daubner 1933
Bootleg Coal MIner 1937
The Weary Miner 1978
Copper Plate for The Weary Miner ca 1978
Anthracite's Breast Work 1973
The Colliery Blacksmiths 1934
Olenick's Breaker 1974
Toiling Miners 1939
Homeward ca 1940
Mine Mules 1934
Potato Planters Ukraine 1978
Anthracites's Cliffs 1940
Winter's Tribute 1934
The Gossipers 1977
St. Nicholas Breaker 1942
Shadows 1933
Heading Home 1935
New St. Nicholas Breaker 1966
Country Charm 1941
Jingle Bells 1942
The Golden Triangle
Bucher's Covered Bridge 1965
The King 1972
Childhood Blessings 1937
The Harbor's Relection 1976
Milking Time 1934
Coal Miners 1935
His Grandmother ca 1935
Coal Bootlegger 1934
Bootlegger's Wife and Son1939
Bootlegging Coal 1938
Centre and Market. St., Pottsville, Pa., 1937
Dissolution ca 1939
Baba ca 1935
Potato Pickers - Ukraine ca 1978
Meditation 1935
Copyright Mike Buryk 2023. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction of any kind without express permission.
Nicholas Bervinchak oil painting portrait by Paul Daubner 1933